It is our desire at Emerado Centennial School that all students have a positive and successful school experience. Research clearly demonstrates that success in school is directly related to regular and punctual attendance.
When reviewing attendance patterns in the past months, it is evident that too many students have been absent from school and/or report late to school.
It is critical for students to arrive to class on time. Teachers expect students to be in their seats, ready to learn at the beginning of class time. Tardiness leads to missed instruction and missing other important information. While missing or being late for important learning opportunities delays a student's education, it also disrupts the education of other pupils in the classroom as well as the teacher's ability to teach most effectively.
While it is the student's responsibility to attend school regularly and punctually, it is the parents'/guardians' responsibility to ensure that their child attends each day and is punctual in his or her attendance.
Regarding apointments, lessons, etc., GVSD Board policy states that, "Where it is unavoidable, pupils may be permitted to keep medical or dental appointmnets during school hours upon request from the parent/guardian. Such requests should be submitted to the Principal (or classroom teacher) at least one day prior to the appointment." If your child must leave school early for any reason, a written notification or phone call to the teacher is required.
Wherever possible, parents/guardians should make arrangements for their child's music lessons to take place outside school hours. Ensuring completion of all assignments missed, due to music lessons or other appointments, is the responsibility of the student. Music lessons are seen to complement the academic program of this school. To this end, students who miss the attendance times due to music lessons will not be marked late if they arrive at school within a reasonable time following each lesson.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.